Improving the operations of Informatika Fortuno by introducing ISO standards
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020, specifically, from the European Fund for Regional Development through the tender "Introduction of a business process and quality management system (ISO and similar standards)".

Contact of relevant institutions:
European Structural Investment Funds (
Guidelines for social responsibility
Education on equal opportunities and non-discrimination
5S method
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Informatika Fortuno doo
The project was approved in terms of business improvement and capacity building of Informatika Fortuno through the introduction of internationally recognized standards, all in order to achieve defined goals. Specifically, with the investment in question, the company invested in the introduction of the ISO 9001, ISO 20000-1 and ISO 27001 standards. The goal of this is to increase its own competitiveness, which will create prerequisites for the growth of the physical volume of work, which will generate the need to retain existing and create new jobs. with income growth. In particular, the successful implementation of the investment in question will lead to (among other things):
- Increases in sales revenue and export revenue.
- Preservation of existing and creation of new jobs.
- Optimization of 9 business processes.
- Reductions in labor costs and increases in productivity.
- The management and management of documentation will be transparent and of high quality, which will reduce operating costs, eliminate the possibility of human errors, and ensure a succession plan.
- Applying corrective actions and monitoring non-conformities will ensure the outsourcing of (only) top quality services and will prevent future non-conformities.
- By creating elaborate scenarios for all potential risks, they will be minimized and the company will be able to adapt to all dangers and changes a priori.
- Clear and systematic data care will be taken and the possibility of copying will be prevented.
The total value of the project is HRK 532,750.00, of which HRK 272,819.00 is non-refundable.
The project implementation period is from October 5, 2018 to October 5, 2019.
Informatika Fortuno LTD
Dragutina Žanića-Karle 27a
32100 Vinkovci
Contact person:
- Mario Levanić
- Phone number of the contact person: +385 98 842 470
- Email address of the contact person:
Internationalization of the company's operations
Informatics Fortuno doo
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020, specifically, from the European Fund for Regional Development through the "Internationalization of SME Business - Phase 2" competition.

Contact of relevant institutions:
- European Structural Investment Funds –
- European Fund for Regional Development -
- Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Program -
The content of this publication is your sole responsibility
Informatike Fortuno doo
The project was approved in order to internationalize the business of Informatika Fortuno by participating in international fairs as an exhibitor, all in order to improve its presence on the market. In this way, preconditions will be created for the planned business growth, which will generate the need to retain existing and create new jobs, along with income growth. In addition, the successful implementation of the investment in question has led to/will lead to (among other things)
- Reduction of dependence on the domestic market, which consequently leads to:
– Increase in sales revenue
– Earnings from exports - Preservation of existing jobs
- Planned opening of new jobs
- By participating in international fairs as an exhibitor, the company improved its competitiveness on the foreign market through the presentation of its own solutions/products.
- Access to 8 target markets (Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, USA, UK)
The total value of the project is HRK 329,365.00, of which HRK 206,010.51 is non-refundable.
The project implementation period is from June 1, 2019. – 01.07.2020.
User: Informatika Fortuno doo
Address: Dragutina Žanića-Karle 27a, 32 100 Vinkovci
Contact person:
- Mario Levanić
- Phone number of the contact person: +385 98 842 470
- Email address of the contact person:
"Improving the business of the company Informatika Fortuno
by investing in ICT solutions"

Contact of relevant institutions:
- European Structural Investment Funds –
- European Fund for Regional Development -
- Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Program -
The content of this publication is your sole responsibility
Informatike Fortuno doo
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020, specifically, from the European Fund for Regional Development, through the competition "Improving the competitiveness and efficiency of SMEs through information and communication technologies (ICT) - 2". With the investment in question, Informatika Fortuno invested in the introduction of modern ICT solutions. The goal is to increase one's own competitiveness, which will create preconditions for growth in the physical volume of work, which will generate the need to retain existing and create new jobs, along with income growth.
In particular, the successful implementation of the subject project will lead to (among other things):
- Income growth.
- Preservation of existing and creation of new jobs.
- Optimization of business processes.
- Productivity increases.
- Acceleration of the offer creation process.
- Accelerating the process of creating web and mobile applications.
- Reductions in maintenance costs.
- Reduction of paperwork and transfer of paper processes to electronic ones (reduction of paper and printer consumption).
- End of dependence on external providers of server rental services.
The total value of the project is HRK 675,186.13, of which HRK 319,394.15 is non-refundable.
The project implementation period is from October 10, 2019. – 10.10.2020.
Informatika Fortuno LTD
Dragutina Žanića-Karle 27/a
32 100 Vinkovci, Croatia
Contact person:
- Mario Levanić
- Phone number of the contact person: +385 98 842 470
- Email address of the contact person:
Smart wastewater treatment plant - about the project
An innovative and smart way of purifying water that is connected and managed via mobile devices and a web platform.

The content of this publication is your sole responsibility
Informatike Fortuno doo
The project aims to develop a smart device for wastewater treatment in smaller places where there are no industrial treatment plants, thus reducing environmental pollution and contributing to its preservation. The project consists of the "smart" part, which includes the manufacture of electronics, programming of electronics, and the creation of web and mobile applications. This part is done by the Croatian partner in the Fortuno Informatics project. The second part of the project is being done by Aqualine Z+Z Kft. And this is actually the backbone of the project, because this is where the waste water treatment device is being developed.
The idea is to connect all this and in the end get a competitive product that gives more value because it enables remote monitoring of several similar devices and allows smaller places to take care of their environment.
The main user of the project: Hamag Bicro
Project users: Informatika Fortuno doo and Aqualine Z+Z Kft.
Amount of European Union funds (project): 239.803,26€
Amount of European Union funds (LB/B part): 119.916,63€
Start of the project:September 1, 2020
End of the project: February 28, 2022.
Informatika Fortuno LTD
Dragutina Žanića-Karle 27/a
32 100 Vinkovci, Croatia
Contact person:
- Mario Levanić
- Phone number of the contact person: +385 98 842 470
- Email address of the contact person:
Informatics Fortuno - introduction of digital solutions in business for the purpose of digital transformation"

Contact of relevant institutions:
- National recovery and resilience plan 2021-2026. (
The project was co-financed by the European Union through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026: Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
The content of this publication is your sole responsibility
Informatike Fortuno doo
The project was approved as part of the tender "Grants for digitization" (NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I3.01) with the aim of introducing new digital solutions in business by investing in digital tools and building the digital capacities of employees, in order to improve production processes, business and organizational practices by optimizing, transforming and digitizing business processes , with the purpose of carrying out digital transformation, which implies a change in the existing business model, and will result in an increase in efficiency and productivity, as well as a strengthening of the company's market position and, consequently, an increase in sales revenue and export revenue.
In particular, the successful implementation of the project will lead to (among other things):
- Growth in sales revenue
- Realization of income from exports
- Retention of existing employees, along with the planned employment of new employees
- Reductions in business costs
- Increases in resource efficiency
- Product quality increases
- Optimization of business processes
Project implementation period: 01.01.2023. – 01.01.2024.
Contact person:
- Mario Levanić
- Phone number of the contact person: +385 98 842 470
- Email address of the contact person: