What is needed for high-quality computer protection? We all have some kind of antivirus program. But is that enough? In this text, we will explain the basic features of a firewall and give you general guidelines for its use. But what is a firewall anyway? It is your "gatekeeper", the first line of defense, protecting you from the outside world also known as the Internet. It exists as software that runs on hardware, but also as hardware itself. A firewall prevents unwanted traffic from the Internet from accessing your network and only allows responses to traffic that is approved from within. You can control which traffic is allowed and allow only selected services to communicate with the "outside world".
How to set up a Firewall?
To set up your Firewall, you need to define network addresses, basic firewall rules and NAT (Network Address Translation). With many firewalls today, you'll be able to get things up and running in a very short amount of time. It is up to you to choose your internal and external addresses and the services you want to use. Once the necessary definitions, firewall rules and NAT are complete, hidden rules will be created for you and your network traffic can flow. It's that easy.
An interesting step forward in the domain of computer protection was made by the company Sophos. It was the first, and for now the only one, to connect a firewall and an antivirus program in such a way that they communicate with each other, cooperate, monitor and upgrade each other. The company Sophos went one step further. Its new generation Intercept X antivirus program is currently the only one on the market that you can install on your computer alongside an existing antivirus program. Intercept X protects against the latest threats such as ransomware and other malicious attacks.